Simple Living | Garden Revisions

Back to pencil and paper. Back to revisions. Back to another early morning, sitting on the sofa with a cup of tea, looking out toward my garden space, reimagining. Because the first, second, and sometimes third plans aren’t the best plans, or maybe I should say, the best plans for now. 

This is okay. It’s good, in fact. Because it forces me to think within adjusted parameters. It requires me to embrace limitations and see what creativity can do. I have reason to believe that, if we really looked, we’d find that every creative idea is birthed from restraint of some kind. And every limitation is an opportunity for beauty. Wonder of wonders, flowers even grow through cracks in concrete. If ever there was a picture of opportunity and hope, there it is. 


So, as I watched the morning unfold, new thoughts came for my garden plans. The same feeling, same inspiration, same goals, only manifest in a different way. Once I settled in and accepted the new opportunity, the ideas started to flow. They fell across a blank page in my journal, my pencil hardly able to keep up. Words, sketches, and notes there to guide me as I turn the ideas into reality, with the details in place for expansion by phases over time where, in the end, the entire plan will be manifested and everything I’ve hoped for will have a place. But for now, I have a delightful (if I do say) version of that plan that fits beautifully within the limitations of today. 

Loves? Do what you can with what you have.

Photos above of past flower beds.