May's Letter

Sleeping with the windows open, waking to the twitter of birds, watching as green slowly colors the land, I’m convinced that spring would never be so glorious (or so appreciated) if it didn’t follow winter.

In the mornings, I’m reaching for cotton and linen now, instead of wool. I’m sliding my feet into sandals, or flats, or garden clogs. I’m repairing the wheelbarrow, buying new rakes, spring-sweeping the picnic table. I’m once again sitting beside the creek with my cup of tea.

Still to come are leaves on the trees, blooming bulbs, and the regular sound of the lawn mower. But we’re here. Spring has finally come.

Moments Lately


Emotional, moving, inspiring. Do read it!


First loaf! (Still in disbelief)


First leaves!


Watching early spring

Reading Lately

Between Earth & Sky - A fictional account set in an Indian boarding school near the turn of the century. I can’t know what another’s life experience truly is, but I hope to always challenge myself to sit with the more difficult stories, to listen, read, and try to understand in my best, broken, imperfect, way. To do what I can to treat my fellow humans with honor and respect.

Eating Lately

Oatmeal Date Shortbread Cookies - A taste of delicious rosemary shortbread cookies at a client’s house started me off on a shortbread cookie streak that ended most recently with this delicious recipe. The dates provide a subtle sweetness and the hint of orange is delightful and unexpected. Very good with a cup of tea. The recipe is from Deb Perelman’s Smitten Kitchen Keepers cookbook.

Favorites Lately

Finally! High protein, low sugar, good taste, clean ingredients.

A pretty one for home. My daily water bottle.


Sunnies, with a prescription. Sharp vision at any distance (from my local eye doc). Game changer!

For wet (or muddy) feet. These, these, these, these