About Living Well

I cracked an orange-yolked egg from the neighbor hens into the bowl of the food processor, added some light olive oil, pink salt, and mustard powder, put the lid on and gave it a quick pulsing blitz. Then, I set the machine to run and poured more olive oil into the plunger, letting it drizzle out the tiny hole in the bottom and into the whirling mixture below. 

Meanwhile, I sliced open a fresh lemon and reamed the juice through a mesh sieve into a small glass dish. When all the olive oil had emulsified into the egg mixture, I turned off the machine and scooped the beautiful yellow almost-mayo into a crockery bowl. I poured in the lemon juice and gently folded it all together, the acid of the lemon instantly turning the mayo a creamy white. 

I spread a generous swirl of the fresh mayo across a slice of sourdough, hot from the toaster. On it, I laid a slab of fresh heirloom tomato, slick with juice. A scattering of pink salt and a cracking of black pepper, then, and lunch was served. 

From a simple batch of mayo* quickly made at noon, to holiday dinners with all the trimmings, this kitchen has been my dearest companion and help in creating the food that nourishes us. It serves us, supports us, holds what we need. Its intuitive design allows for a beautiful flow in the making and also in the cleaning up. It’s a handful of square feet that is utility, simplicity, and beauty all in one.


Loves, I’m excited to share with you an idea that’s been slowly making its way to life that I’ll be offering soon. I’m calling it Living Well. It’s a virtual monthly gathering of you and me and all our friends who want to join. For an hour, I’ll welcome you into our home, give you a tour of a room, or a practice, or a project - showing things or places in and about our home and life that are helping us live well. I’ll also share mini tours of some interior design projects that are currently in my work flow, giving details and insight into my thoughts and solutions. 

But, this might be the best part: I’ll also invite submissions from you, my readers, who are having design dilemmas or trouble spots with rooms in your homes. From your submissions, I’ll select a couple and provide quick design guidance and direction, live, for all to see and learn from. Maybe you don’t have a room to submit for consideration, but you do have a burning question. Go ahead and send those in, because there’ll be a Q & A, too. 

The first Living Well will be held in the second half of September. The dates will be announced soon. I’ll offer the same session on two different days and times, so you can choose the one that best fits your schedule. I’ll be sharing all the how-to details soon - from sending submissions to signing up. Gosh, won’t this be fun?

Oh, and the first room in our house that I’ll tour you through? Our kitchen. Grin.

*Psst, here’s the mayo recipe. 

And, for the curious:

My food processor

My toaster or here

My knife

My reamer (similar) or here

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