
This one or that. Or maybe the other? Sift through, looking, considering, comparing, keeping, eliminating. One way or the other? Salty or sweet? Better or best? Light or dark? These words or those?

I wish I'd chosen different words. Wish I'd eaten this instead of that. Glad I did this, this, this. Wish I hadn't done that. When I think of all the choices that come at me in a day, begging to be made, I might just want to curl up right there. Sometimes it feels too much. Sometimes it is. Choices. 

I check-in with my values. Re-read my mantras. Seek my guiding light. Trim the sails. Quiet down. Offer honest apologies for the missteps and miss-words (twice for me in one day this week, oy). Note for next time. Knowing this: it's not about being perfect, but about improving at being imperfect. It's choosing the best for now.

Sometimes, what used to fit just doesn't anymore. About this, we can either feel dashed or hopeful. For a time, maybe both. When the familiar no longer fits, it's time for new-to-us. This is good. Choices.

Some of you have decided to not follow here any longer; this corner of the world is no longer fitting you. Loves? I understand how that feels. To this I'd like to say, I'm here to cheer you on. In this case, I'm cheering you on, further than this blog could ever reach. You deserve to find what speaks to you, what holds value and inspiration, what will help you become your best you. If this space was a stepping stone along your way, I'm honored. Don't be fussy about this. Look for the hope out in front of you. The world is full of inspiration, coming at just the right time. I'm confident you'll find yours. Choices. 

To those of you who'd like to stay, I'm cheering you just as well. You are my tribe. I appreciate you being here, patient as I get my sea-legs with a new posting schedule. It's taken some sorting to get settled with my own recent choices, tailoring the blog to better fit my time. Essential adjustment. Trim the sails. Choices. 

You'll find new content going up here most Tuesdays and Thursdays, and, of course, the newsletter going out the first of each month. I'll transition into posting more often on Instagram as well. 

Wishing you all the best this holiday weekend, friends! Our college boy surprised us by coming home last night. We're making him waffles for breakfast as we speak!


Speaking of choices, are you wondering about the photos up there? I've been making design plans and selections for clients, lately. Here, working on a fresh new look for a bathroom in an historic house. The open book is Mark Sikes' Beautiful.