Simple Domestic


Have you ever wished for a place where you could find household goods that had a timeless quality and calm aesthetic? Have you ever wanted to make intentional selections for living, but didn’t know where to begin? Have you ever wondered just what, exactly, a simple kitchen consists of?

I’ve been working in the background here on something just for you, for me, for us. It’s a quiet guide to thoughtful household goods.

It’s called Simple Domestic.

Back in the day, I was a retail buyer for a delightful pair of brick and mortar shops whose aesthetic I would describe as a cross between Anthropologie and Sur La Table, with curated antiques thrown in (yes, very fun). It was there that I honed my knowledge of quality home goods and the companies who produce them. I learned things like why high carbon steel is a preferred material by knife makers, why a porcelain baking dish is better than glass, why French chefs use copper bowls in which to beat egg whites, and so much more.

This is the knowledge and experience I’m bringing to you in Simple Domestic. I’ll show you what selections you might make for your home, and why. If you’re just starting out, you’ll see how to curate things for your home that will last a lifetime. If you’re home is already established, you’ll know what to choose when something needs to be replaced. And here’s the beautiful thing, the guide is a store, yes(!), you can purchase* anything right here and it’ll be sent to your door, but it’s also a blueprint, a knowledge base, if you will. If purchasing new is not the route for you, think of Simple Domestic as a template to be filled in with finds from places like eBay, Etsy, estate sales, or your grandmother’s house. 



*Simple Domestic is an Amazon affiliate, any purchases made through the links provided will pay a small commission to me at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting my work.