Small Ways | A New Sequence

Simple. Reachable. Doable. Small ways. They pack enough punch to change your world, or your day. Or maybe, simply and gloriously, they’ll change your moment. Small Ways is a series about small objects, small gestures, small touches. Small ways for living well.

Sometimes, the smallest shift can be the key that changes everything. Or, it changes one thing just enough to make everything else fall into a better place. When this happens with little planning or thought - almost by surprise - it’s even better.  

It was early morning, and darkness still rested over the landscape, the eastern sky was not yet blushed by the rising sun. In the living room of our still sleeping house, I rolled my yoga mat out over the area rug and set my hand weights beside. The room was lit by a single candle that doubled its light against a windowpane nearby. In the dim, I eased into the flow of another of my favorite fitness sessions

I hadn’t yet eaten, hadn’t yet had a cup of tea, hadn’t journaled. I hadn’t looked at my phone, hadn’t opened my computer to work or write. I’d only gotten up and pulled on the fitness clothes I’d set out the night before. I’d brushed my teeth, washed my face, pulled my hair back. I’d tip-toed into the kitchen for a long, cold drink of filtered water. I lit a candle, unrolled my mat, knelt down, opened my computer to the session, linked my AirPods, and began.  

You might say, before I was even awake, the fitness session was over. It was almost like that. Before I was awake enough to dawdle, to procrastinate, to get side-tracked, to change my mind, I was already done. Not only done, but wide-eyed and energized. Ready, so ready then, to pour that cup of tea, open my journal to write a few lines to myself, then open a blank page on my computer to write even more lines to you. 

Only one thing had changed from so many months of mornings before, and it was simply that I’d done my fitness session first instead of second, before my early work instead of after. One little shift made everything else fall into a better place, a better experience, a better morning, a better day. 

So here’s to encouraging us, loves. Here’s to finding a sequence that just might be a better way.

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