Living Well In Spring


It’s just beginning to lighten into a cloud-covered, gently snowing day. I’m watching a small bunch of deer playfully skitter around the pasture as they meander toward the creek for their first morning drink, their coats fluffed against the cold. I’m in here, under a throw blanket with a hot cup of Dandy in my hands. 

This is spring. Winter’s snow has melted, the resolute brown of the landscape is showing hopeful indications of giving way to green, and the birds are coming back. Daily, new songs are being added to the chorus out there. I’ve no worries about today’s snow. It’ll quickly melt, and by tomorrow I’ll be raking up the last of winter’s debris from the lawn. By Easter, a marked increase in the daily temperatures is forecast, which happily trends on into April. 

It seems there’s an ever-long wait for spring, then suddenly it’s here. And with it, the natural shifting of days and plans and life to follow it.  

Here are a few things that’ve shown up in my spring:

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  • I’ve joined a Ranunculus Club! Every other Friday, I pick up a bundle of fresh ranunculus from a local indie florist. If you don’t have such a thing where you are, and would like a ranunculus club of your own, here are some from Farm Girl Flowers.

  • The rain hat I’ve had my eye on for a while. Just might be adding it to my outdoor wardrobe this spring.

  • The boots, sweater, and gloves are my spring outdoor essentials that I’ve had for several seasons now. I always appreciate those hard-working pieces that last.

How is spring coming in where you are? Any plans or dreams or hopes for the next few months?