Before It's Gone

It snowed again last night, but aside from sweeping the porch, I’m not going to do a single thing about it. Because I blinked and it’s past eleven o’clock already, and I just know: this is going to be a where-did-the-day-go day. The kind you can’t quite grab a hold of before it’s gone. (Also? The sun will melt that snow just fine!) I have made the bed, thankfully, and fed the pets. I’ve written the beginnings of a blog post that I thought was for today, but will be for another. I’ve made the final decision on materials and emailed inspiration photos and details to the carpenter who’s building the new garden gates and raised beds(!!). I’ve fielded client questions. I’ve read new comments on Wednesday’s post (I love hearing from you). And somewhere along the line, I drank my greens and ate a dishful of yogurt, but I haven’t yet made a cup of tea. 

There’s a big box on the floor, looking at me for the second (third?) day in a row, waiting to be opened, the new down comforter inside taken out, shaken, put into a duvet cover, and tucked onto a bed upstairs, the last bed ready for boys to come home for a visit next month. (I try not to wonder how, sometime in his senior year, the last boy managed to lose the down comforter off his bed? Just don’t think about it, I say, and definitely don’t ask!) There’s a grocery list for today, writing itself in my mind, trying not to get lost in there. I need to schedule the window washers, the house is in dire need of a deep clean, everything outside is a shambles, and Maggie Mae wants to go for a run. 

Heavens a’mighty, loves. My hunch about today is true! I better scoot, and at least try to grab a hold before it’s gone. 

Wishing you the loveliest of weekends (promise you’ll get some rest in there somewhere!)