In This Final Week

Throw your shearling boots on, toss a shawl over your shoulders, pick up your dress, and run along the riverbank.

Also known as: hurry to a good enough spot and snap the holiday card photo, quick before the sun goes down.

This is the way of things. Sometimes there’s an abundance of time slowly spooling out, a generous allowance for all the holiday dreams, the activities, the memory-making. At other times, you have to quick-step and fancy-dance to get just one thing wrapped. It’s both. And how beautiful to know that we can do both. We can live the long moments and we can hop-to. We can take the hours to bake the traditional holiday lefse (Norwegian flatbread) and we can snap the holiday photo in the slim 10 minutes of remaining golden light on a late winter afternoon.

The memories will be made no matter the length of time. So, I remind myself to set aside the ideal and live fully in the real. If my perspective is abundant, the memories will be, too, no matter if the tree is not yet up, the sugar jar is empty, or the gift that needs to be included in the Christmas box that’s going to our son in Hawaii still isn’t here.

Be well, loves, in this final week before Christmas. Live abundantly in the moments with me, however they may come.