The Working Days Of Spring

There’s that whoosh of relief and exultant euphoria when you’re able to finally deliver that thing you’ve been quietly nurturing for so long. Thanks for the love and excitement with me about the new additions to my services suite. (If you missed it on IG, I’ve added a few appointment times for three Saturdays in June for Design Coach!)

Of course, then there’s the deep desire to get up from your desk, and gleefully run to do something that feels foot-loose and fancy free. Something that feels like play (but isn’t really, let’s be honest) like gardening or playing with wildflowers, or showing up on a hilltop at sunrise. It’s just the shift you need, keeping alive all the parts of you.

As soon as I’ve dashed this note off this morning, I’ll be spending the entire day outside - weeding, planting, mulching, building a new fence - generally getting lost in the energy of a sunny spring day. By evening, I plan to bring it to a close with a campfire by the creek. After all, those lazy days of summer that we all dream of must first start with the very full working days of spring. Grin

Enjoy your long holiday weekend, loves!