Happy New Year


I look out my window and see a whitetail buck walking slowly across the pasture, braving the snowy cold while the rest of the deer stay warmly bedded down. We’ve had light shakes of snow over the past week and the temperatures have bobbed around zero, just the kind of weather that makes you want to stay inside, wrapped up in a knitted throw, with a book, by a fire.


I treasure this week between. It’s a week without expectations. A stretch of days for rest, for reading, for movies, for staying in pajamas and slippers well past the time you might expect to be wearing them (Still in my pajamas, I hid from our sweet FedEx delivery lady yesterday, oh my).

Yesterday, we grew brave, layered the wool, clipped the skis to the top of the car, loaded an excited Nellie girl, and drove up the mountain to the Nordic trails where we looped around in the fresh air and quiet, passing only one person, our son’s football coach, who was snowshoeing solo into the backcountry to set up his tent and quietly ring in the new year.


In my kitchen right now, there’s dough rising for French baguettes, and cream cheese softening for spinach artichoke dip. Sparkly, fizzy drinks are chilling in the larder. Later, we’ll carry this yummy, festive bundle into our friends’ house, our contribution to the gathered celebration of one year ending and a new one beginning.

I hope you are well, loves, and in the new year I wish for you strength, grace, and love. I’m looking forward to sharing it with you!