Handmade | A Petal Capelet

When time is captured - a moment here, a moment there - and woven into stitches that grow, one upon the other, it becomes tangible, a garment. Spread across your shoulders, it is time, worn. Moments, worn. It is somehow the quiet, the pauses from past days, weeks, and months, caught. Caught and stitched right into fabric. And by the time the last stitch is finished, there is a knowing, a rapport, a relationship between you and the garment that grew beneath your hands. 

So it was with the Petal Capelet. 

Designed by Jaqueline Kilmartin, of Lillian Jackson Textiles, it was knit in the exquisite Purl Soho Cashmere Merino Bloom.  The color, Rose Granite.