Today, I Love

Today, I Love is a series that captures the significance of inconsequential moments. 

Morning (my favorite), and seeing these guys in the pasture nearly every one. 

Listening to mowing books (as I've come to call them) that follow me around and around on the lawn mower every week. Last summer it was that one. This summer, it's this one. 

Remembering that recent day with my guy and that mountain trail and those fourteen miles and those 4000 feet of elevation gain. And, of course, the flowers I picked up there and ran all the way home with. 

Watching out my window. (They finally had to clip Nellie up, because, birdies.)

Eating refreshing limey-coconut pops. The eyes widen and the eyebrows fly up on everyone's face who tastes them. (Thanks, Erin!)


This. Because it says everything. 

Our popsicle mold

Inspiring feed


Wishing you the loveliest of weekends, friends! We're having long-time friends over for dinner tonight - yes, on the terrace, under the lights!