Sourcebook: Self Care | Barre3

Sometimes, you just have to chuckle at how things go - or don't go, in this case. This post was ready to go out to you on Saturday, but, after the umpteenth roadblock, I finally called it. Sometimes, you just have to call it. But, there's good stuff here that I don't want to keep you waiting until next Saturday for, so, here you go, the first Sourcebook post is going out to you on a Monday! Grin. Read all about Sourcebook here. 


Past the morning flap of boys leaving the house for school, past the lull of knitting a row or two, after the brush of the duster, the swipe of the sponge, or the hum of the vacuum for the day, I roll out my mat, set my computer nearby, air up my core ball, and set my weights and resistance band nearby. Time for full-body strengthening via an infusion of ballet, Pilates, and yoga.

Nellie gets excited. She loves Barre3.

Today, I'm choosing a 30 minute total body sculpt from the Barre3 online workout library, because I know I'll be following up with a four mile run on the treadmill (that wonderful/terrible piece of equipment, necessary when a deep, fresh snow has fallen outside). But there are options, of course, to choose a forty minute, sixty minute, or a quick ten minute workout, if one of those was a better fit for my day. 

I follow my instructor, Shannon (she's one I have saved to my favorites, among several other instructors that I enjoy as well), as she leads me in gentle stretches and prepares my muscles to warm. She's always careful to point out proper form: long spine, gaze here, reach arms long, relax shoulders, engage abs, root through the feet, reach the seat back - so injury can be avoided. Behind her in the studio, are two friends who are demonstrating both turbo and modified techniques throughout the session. I can follow whomever I choose, whenever I choose. Shannon reminds me to honor where I am today. 

My body is warm, my heartrate is thumping, pushing fresh oxygen to every capillary. Today, I want to go all out. I begin to sweat, my muscles shake with effort. Then Shannon layers on more challenge. I gasp, willing my body to go where she's leading. By workout's end, I will be dripping, the workout deep, effective, raw and so, so good. 

Not much unlike the days when I choose a gentler approach, don't break a sweat, keep to the lighter, restorative side of training, and still feel the strengthening of my muscles, the pulse of my blood, and the satisfying expression of a well-kept body. 

Barre3 meets me where I am. 

Literally. Besides the turbo and modified instruction available with every workout, there are specific classes for pre- and post-natal workouts, classes that use no weights or props (perfect for when you're traveling), and options for extra guidance with nutrition and fitness plans. I can select the membership level and offering that fits me best. 

I stand in primary posture, my feet hip distance apart. I sweep my hands down, then up in a long, stretching, inhaling arc and and slowly, slowly exhale the restorative breath as I bring my hands together and pull them down to heart center. Shannon tells me I've done well. 

Barre3 offers a true, balanced, encouraging, deeply effective approach to fitness instruction without any hint of ego, flash, or competition. All the props you need come in a small zippered pouch. Minimal, simple, love that. If you'd like to join me in Barre3, you may receive $10 off your online membership with this link: BARRRE3 

This is the first post in a new feature called Sourcebook! You may read more about Sourcebook here.