How We Do Winter

In a moment (or a day), things can completely change. Go from snow, snow, snow to suddenly warm temperatures, snow disappearing before your very eyes, and the creek getting very near its banks(!). A typical early-year thaw. Winter's not done; this is just spring rolling over in its sleep. 

This day, though? This day, the sun was shining, Dad was home, that taped-up box from eBay with the new/old gas tank in it had finally arrived - what better time to pull out the tools and get to work on the old snow machine? Open it up, crank this, twist that. Take the leaky gas tank out, put the salvaged one in. Tinker, tinker. Tap, tap. Roll in the snow. Play with Nellie. Pay attention. Get distracted. Help. Hinder. With all parts finally in place and all connections connected, crack the choke, pull the starter, rev the throttle.

The sound of a snowmachine zooming around and around the little house woke me from my Sunday afternoon nap on the couch. One look outside, and I went for my camera. Oh, were these boys excited! To be again driving the very machine their dad had bought when he was a sophomore in high school! It didn't take long to load it into the truck, throw in the toboggan, and head up the mountain to the really big hill. 

It's how we do winter.

Wishing you a wonderful winter Monday, friends!