Today, I Love

Winter scenes outside our door (with these guys in it).

A gurgling creek in December. (But the temps coming will have it frozen over by Christmas.)

Art, signed Jack Frost.

Bundled boys + snow (and that they still do it at 16 & 14)

Firewood. And a fire pit to burn it in.

That they're just as pretty in winter.

The pause for negotiations. He wanted her to ride on the toboggan, too. She wasn't so sure.

Icicle accents. 

Our little house. 


Wishing you all the very best as we wind down into the holiday season and the finish of the year. I just want to say how grateful I am for you. That you come here to read these pages and offer your kind words and support in return means the world. I'm looking forward to new and exciting things to share with you here in 2018! I'll be away for a couple weeks, enjoying rest and family.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, loves!