A New Stride

Carmella Rayone

Here we are, loves, finding ourselves in August, where summer is rounded and full, stretching to hold all her abundance. Chokecherries have turned deep crimson, tansy and goldenrod are in bloom, and the occasional yellow leaf has fallen to the ground, expired from heat and thirst. All this brings a sudden realization that these summer days are numbered, and best that not one of them be tossed away. 

But, gracious, what a different August this is in our house! No sports physicals to complete, no buying of football cleats, mouth guards, and under gear. No football practice, no school registry, no class schedules. Here, there are no longer boys. Though this doesn’t feel sad to me, it does feel very, very strange, as if I’m forgetting something. 

But no, I realize, I’m not forgetting; really, I’m remembering. Remembering that, despite our deficiencies and failures along the way as parents, we’ve had the privilege to care for, nurture, and raise three great guys. Remembering how proud we are of them. Remembering that we’ve passed them off into adulthood and they’ll get to helm for themselves the learning and growing that lies ahead. Remembering that finding the flow of this part of parenting will take time and intention, just like all the other phases that have gone before. 

And, just like that, my husband and I are in our own new chapter, with new parameters of schedule and time. Shifts and changes are happening for both of us. New opportunities, new responsibilities, a new stride. It’s exciting and full and scary enough to pop our eyes wide. 

Looping back here with you, loves, is what I may be looking forward to most. Picking up where we left off, writing longer-form in one of my most treasured places, spending time with my camera, capturing imagery to accompany the words. Creating, connecting, sharing, that’s what’s in my heart and on my horizon. 

I’m excited for us.