Today, I Love

Today, I Love is a series that captures the significance of inconsequential moments.

This stack of eight, and how he came in the door after school, dropped his bags, and made them himself. 

This. All this. One month left. Hello emotions. 

This tallest of dish towers. Because a boy did it.

This photo bomber. I didn't even suspect. 

Petals everywhere. Boys say when are we gonna get this out of here? I say give me all the pink confetti! 



Because I love a good story...

Why We Make Things

Bridge Burner Vol. 11

Bryr (love)

Heritage Merc


Words that made my week...

"I'm glad the concept of minimalism has found such popularity now, and even has a name,
although I dislike labels. I don't think of it as a movement but simply a cherished way of life.
Less will always be more, and we find what is important in life because of it." - reader Tammy J